Kindly meet Humphrey, the newest addition to our ever growing teddy bear hug-menagerie.
Humphrey is made from a vintage faux mink fur coat. I love working with these vintage coats. The fur backing is slightly stiffened so they’re easy to work with and they don’t need to be lined. Humphrey is 12 inches tall, fully jointed, with premium glass eyes and a pearl cotton embroidered nose. His little paw and foot pads are a soft leather suede. I covered his foot pads with lace, which he thinks is too girly.
Humphrey fell in love with this wildly painted chair that’s in my studio and insisted his photo shoot take place there. What could I do but oblige. And I must admit, I too love this chair.
When we got home Humphrey ran into the living room, jumped up on a chair where Wendell, Eldwin, Hobbs, and Lacey were sitting and wiggled his way in, nice and comfy like. And being happy friendly teddy bears, they welcomed him with open arms.
I am permanently passionately hooked on teddy bears!
Laura ♥