I made Clover to model my crochet hats-in-progress, so not to make them too small or too big, which is the direction they seem to go.
Exhibit A
But poor little Clover just isn’t a hat teddy bear. They flop down over his eyes, no matter how large or how small, and he didn’t much like that. So I gave him a ribbon with a big bow instead, which he says he totally hates. When the pretty beaded necklace went on he declared this fru-fruing must stop, forthwith. O-kayee.
Clover, all fru-frued up.
Clover did, however, like this lovely old bowl I found at a garage sale over the weekend. He does have good taste.
It’s an old porcelain chamber pot, roughly 100 years old, and in amazing condition, darn near perfect. The gal paid $65 for it at an antique store, I paid $3. Happy dance!
I just love it! I can think of several uses for it, like holding spools of thread, or some yarn and crochet hooks, or maybe some lace, or some teddy bear jewelry, or or…
I hope you're having a wonderful week!
Laura ♥